Dear Crusader Families and Friends,

We are providing these summer enrichment activities for children entering grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Working with your child throughout the summer will lessen the likelihood of the “summer slide,” which is a phrase used to describe the slide backwards that many children experience in reading and math skills over the summer. You can combat the “summer slide” by encouraging your child to devote a small bit of time each day to keeping up skills.

Countless studies show that reading is one of the single most important things a child of any age can do. Reading strengthens vocabulary, exercises the brain, improves concentration, improves language skills, develops imagination, and helps children to develop empathy.

We hope you find these activities helpful! Take time to preview the activities together. We encourage you to have your child create a summer journal.


Thank you for partnering with us in your child’s education!


Sincerely Yours in Christ,


Betsy Davenport


Holy Cross Catholic School